Sunday, March 14, 2010

No Sick Pay For Me!

I just got over a bad case of herpes in the eye; not that it's an excuse for not posting, but this is just to say that while I was busy trying to get to my doctor's and (the next day, because obviously the eye drops my doctor gave me weren't doing any good) the hospital's emergency department, I would have been better off just sleeping it off.

So while I was recovering last week, I was also busy organising my kid's birthday party as well as wasting time online trying to find cures for eye herpes, which apparently there aren't.

I have also rejoined my favorite online forum, Morachat, because I missed it and the extra money comes in handy: after seeing my last credit card bill I realised that I needed to get back into blogging and writing articles big time and spend less time hanging out and wasting time on websites that don't pay.

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