Monday, March 9, 2009

No More Jail Penalty for Non-Payers of Irish TV Licence

A staggering 54 people were jailed last year for not paying fines related to the non payment of their TV licence.

The TV licence in Ireland costs about €160 for one year and when you think of the cost of bringing people to court and jailing them being priced at €90,000 according to the Irish Times, it really does not make any sense for the Irish Government to spend so much money in comparison to the €160 fee, especially given the fact that non-payment of a TV licence is a minor offence, only likely to offend a small number of overpaid TV and Radio presenters. This is why under a new legislation, TV licence offenders will not be brought to jail anymore (Yippee!)

With the new legislation, if you get a fine for not paying your licence to watch rubbish on the telly, I know you're not going to go to jail for not paying the fine, but remember that the Irish Government still needs your fine money just so they can sit around all day talking about how they could raise your taxes. No, seriously, they do!

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