Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm Moving House!

Yipee! I got an offer for a brand new house in a housing estate and although I don't have a clue what the house is like on the inside, I have to be ready for a move in about 4 weeks!

This is typically like my life: once again, I am moving along with the flow; I have never really struggled in life (well, there was that part when my ex started to physically abuse me, but I just ditched the loser which I had wanted to leave for a while anyway!); I am being offered an opportunity (a reasonable one that is) and I am taking it, simple as that.

So what's the risk in moving into a house that I have only been able to see from the outside? Who knows? What could be wrong with a brand-new house that I get to furnish myself (with a bit of input from the kids and hopefully not too much pink!) and that I can at last call Home?

I guess I could have the neighbours from hell but I won't know that until after I move in as the estate is empty for now and even if I do get the neighbours from hell, I suppose that could be an inspiration for my next posts!

Anyway, I was just writing to say that I'll be very busy and might not get too much time to post here for a while, especially since I'm also going on holidays for 2 weeks in the middle of this 4-week gap; enough to turn anyone crazy, but hopefully I won't be typing my next post from the looney bin!

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