Sunday, February 22, 2009

It Is PJ Day Again?

The other day when I went to pick up my kid from school at 1.30 pm, I was amazed to see a woman who appeared to be wearing pyjamas.

I know this is Ireland and people are not very fussy of the way they are dressed, even though the standards seem to be improving with all the Eastern Europe immigrants, but, come on, pyjamas in the middle of the day? Ok, maybe this was a lady who worked the night-shift (although I very much doubt it) but even then, couldn't she throw on a tracksuit or something?

It was not even the first instance of pyjama dressing I came accross; a few months back, I saw a different lady wearing pyjama bottoms at the same school; so what, is the school providing overnight accomodation or something? Why do all these people keep coming in their pyjamas?

It's not that it's a problem for me, as long as these pyjama people (who obviously haven't showered, or else they would be wearing real clothes) don't come near me, I don't care, but I was thinking of their kids: aren't they afraid of embarrassing their children in front of their schoolmates? I know that if I came to pick up my 4 year-old daughter from school, I would get a look with rolling eyes and probably also a comment, something like:
Mammy! You are still wearing your pyjamas! That's so silly!
and I could never ever look anyone in the eyes at that school again.

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