This could be a post to deter teenage girls to become pregnant, but it's actually just one of my little rants. Anyway, here's how I spent my Sunday today (and the scary thing is that it's not over yet):
1- Got up early (too early for a Sunday morning anyway!) at 8.00 am so that I could bring my daughter to 10.00 am mass: I don't go to mass, but she wants to do her communion after her father used emotional blackmail on her, telling her that she will never see him again unless she does the blasted thing, which would make me pretty happy, but not her, so I obliged. I rebelled by not putting change in the basket.
2- Got home and made the beds: the same daughter that made me get up at all hours this morning had chicken pox last week and even though she's much better now, she is still shedding some crusts, so I vacuumed them (no point in changing her sheets yet when I know there will be the same amount tomorrow), gross but necessary.
3- We got a satellite dish installed yesterday, but I'm not allowed to watch it until the kids have gone to bed; the kids channels are blaring on all day. I was thinking of making apple muffins, but if the kids can't be arsed to let me watch a little TV, I can't be arsed to make them yummy muffins either.
4- Spent half my day wiping yucky green snot from my 5 year-old; I taught her how to clean her nose last year, but she must have forgotten during last summer. She'd rather lick her own snot than trying to blow her nose in a tissue. Gross no. 2.
5- My 7 year-old daughter has long, thick, wavy brown hair: the worst case scenario if she ever gets toothpaste in her hair like she did last night before going to bed. I only noticed this morning when brushing her hair; it's like some concrete has dried in her hair, only it's still sticky even after almost 24 hours (at least concrete dries!)
6- My 5 year-old (the snotty one) has knocked down the Christmas tree (again). She was hiding behind it and the blanket she had partly tucked down in the back of her trousers to make her look like she has a tail must have done it.
Well a pretty average day for any parent I guess. So you still wanna have kids? I'm putting mine up for adoption.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Sweet Revenge: Would you Commit Insurance Fraud For Your Ex?
My ex thinks we're friends. I don't. If we hadn't had kids together I would probably not even be talking to him but for the sake of the kids (and by order of the courts), he is allowed to visit the kids so I have to talk to him sometimes.
I have just moved into a new council house so pretending that we are on friendly terms has guaranteed free labour from his part so far, like putting up curtain poles and shelves.
I'm not being particularly mean, given the fact that this man has raped and beaten me in the past, my being double-faced towards him is the best deal he's going to get.
My ex's driving licence has been suspended for a few years and now that he is allowed back on the roads, he has asked me to get an insurance quote for him (he can't read or write, and if he had a computer he'd probably just use it for porn anyway!). When I said the insurance company was going to ask if he had any penalty points or driving convictions he told me to say nothing. I told him if he lied and and later needed to make an insurance claim, the insurance probably wouldn't work but he doesn't want to pay a high premium so told me again to say nothing, so I said: "I'm not lying, if you don't want to tell the truth, get someone else to do your dirty work". Conversation cut short (he is better at drinking himself stupid and using his fists than communicating).
Seriously, why would I help a person who is likely to become a danger for other drivers (he may not drink for the first month that he's on the road, but Christmas is coming, he's likely to get a few drinks and he's not really known for being a law-abiding citizen).
Also, if he buys a car he may want to bring my kids places, which I really don't want, especially since the time he told them that they didn't need to put on their seat-belts in the car he was driving at the time (The famous brand-new Peugeot 106 that he took a 5 year lease out for and only paid for the first few weeks; he must have got that car for 2 years before he had to sell it for not being able to drive it further than his bog road, given the fact that he had been arrested for drink-driving and, let's take a guess, I bet it was not even insured or taxed! I wouldn't like to have been the one buying that car off him; make you think twice about buying a second-hand car without checking its history first).
So I'm not helping this scumbag cheating the system and I'm also keeping a low profile because the last thing I want to do is give him an excuse to spend Christmas with us. Me and the girls have had happy Christmasses for the past 3 years all on our own and I intend to keep it this way; might pretend I'm thinking of going to visit my family in France to have peace of mind.
Anyway, anybody knows a good carpenter that's not too expensive and good at making wall units? I think I might need one soon as I'm not asking Mr. Painintheass for anything anymore!
I have just moved into a new council house so pretending that we are on friendly terms has guaranteed free labour from his part so far, like putting up curtain poles and shelves.
I'm not being particularly mean, given the fact that this man has raped and beaten me in the past, my being double-faced towards him is the best deal he's going to get.
My ex's driving licence has been suspended for a few years and now that he is allowed back on the roads, he has asked me to get an insurance quote for him (he can't read or write, and if he had a computer he'd probably just use it for porn anyway!). When I said the insurance company was going to ask if he had any penalty points or driving convictions he told me to say nothing. I told him if he lied and and later needed to make an insurance claim, the insurance probably wouldn't work but he doesn't want to pay a high premium so told me again to say nothing, so I said: "I'm not lying, if you don't want to tell the truth, get someone else to do your dirty work". Conversation cut short (he is better at drinking himself stupid and using his fists than communicating).
Seriously, why would I help a person who is likely to become a danger for other drivers (he may not drink for the first month that he's on the road, but Christmas is coming, he's likely to get a few drinks and he's not really known for being a law-abiding citizen).
Also, if he buys a car he may want to bring my kids places, which I really don't want, especially since the time he told them that they didn't need to put on their seat-belts in the car he was driving at the time (The famous brand-new Peugeot 106 that he took a 5 year lease out for and only paid for the first few weeks; he must have got that car for 2 years before he had to sell it for not being able to drive it further than his bog road, given the fact that he had been arrested for drink-driving and, let's take a guess, I bet it was not even insured or taxed! I wouldn't like to have been the one buying that car off him; make you think twice about buying a second-hand car without checking its history first).
So I'm not helping this scumbag cheating the system and I'm also keeping a low profile because the last thing I want to do is give him an excuse to spend Christmas with us. Me and the girls have had happy Christmasses for the past 3 years all on our own and I intend to keep it this way; might pretend I'm thinking of going to visit my family in France to have peace of mind.
Anyway, anybody knows a good carpenter that's not too expensive and good at making wall units? I think I might need one soon as I'm not asking Mr. Painintheass for anything anymore!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
We Kicked Your Ass Good (Now I Can Go Back to Not Liking Football)
I am not a fan of football (or sports of any kind) but yesterday there was a football match between France and Ireland. As a French person living in Ireland, I had to sort of follow it.
Before I go on, I must admit that if I had been in France at the time of the said Football game, I would have supported the Irish, that's how much I don't like to be like everyone else: see a herd, run the opposite way!
Well as a good patriotic French woman (pffffft!), I had to support the French players. I don't know anything about football, all I can say is that the French were not only better-looking, they also had waaaayyyyyy nicer T-shirts than the little Green men (the Oirish!).
Anyway, I was on Facebook and Twitter shouting my support for the French team when my daughter shouted that they had got a goal. No more goals were gotten by any of the team during the rest of the game (how hard is it to kick a ball into a net, really?) so the French won after all. Well, what business have the Irish playing a game that they call soccer when everyone else calls it Football anyway?
So I'm done with football for now, I really don't care if the French win or lose their next game, same for the Irish, I can go back to not liking football again!
Before I go on, I must admit that if I had been in France at the time of the said Football game, I would have supported the Irish, that's how much I don't like to be like everyone else: see a herd, run the opposite way!
Well as a good patriotic French woman (pffffft!), I had to support the French players. I don't know anything about football, all I can say is that the French were not only better-looking, they also had waaaayyyyyy nicer T-shirts than the little Green men (the Oirish!).
Anyway, I was on Facebook and Twitter shouting my support for the French team when my daughter shouted that they had got a goal. No more goals were gotten by any of the team during the rest of the game (how hard is it to kick a ball into a net, really?) so the French won after all. Well, what business have the Irish playing a game that they call soccer when everyone else calls it Football anyway?
So I'm done with football for now, I really don't care if the French win or lose their next game, same for the Irish, I can go back to not liking football again!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Twitter Search For Celebrities
I don't read gossip rags (I don't buy the newspapers anyway, why pay good money for something I probably won't even have time to read?) but there's something about the net that makes me want to reach out to people. And since I don't have many friends (who'd blame them? I'm so boring that not only I decided to freeze breadcrumbs last Sunday night, but I also thought it a good idea - at the time - to post a tweet about it), finding out what's going on in the lives of some well-known people (sometimes also called celebrities) just gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling, like I have the power to interact with them.
Shortly after I joined Twitter (which I didn't want to join in the beginning but peer pressure - from total strangers I heard on the TV, and read about on the internet - made me do it anyway), I decided it might be fun to "follow" some celebrities. I started with Aston Kutcher, shortly followed by Demi "wifey" Moore, but soon found out that there were way more imposters on Twitter than real celebs. I am still floowing a few ones: I think that the profiles of Kevin Spacey and Hugh "yummy" Jackmann are genuine ones, but for the rest I am still very confused.
After watching Alan Carr' "Chattyman" show on TV last night (a very pale imitation of The Graham Norton Show, but if you like to watch grown-up gay comedians acting like little girls, that might be your thing. Graham, come back, I miss you!) I decided to follow him; you never know, he might get up to something funny sometime in the next 5 years!). So I added him and since I was feeling like a trader, I did a search for Graham Norton too and thought I got the right profile when I got the following message from Twitter: "Sorry, the account you were headed to has been suspended due to strange activity. Mosey along now, nothing to see here."
It's the Strange Activity that really made me think that this was indeed the right profile; imagine a little overexcited (but oh, so very funny - I just wish Alan Carr didn't try to copy him, he just doesn't come close) Irish gay man virtually jumping up and down all over Twitter doing the weirdest searches so he can bitch about them in his show: yep, that would be him all right!
Well, since I can't get him on Twitter, I'll head up to Facebook and see if there are any groups related to him; makes me think I really need to get a hobby!
Update: Graham Norton's profile (the comedian) has since been removed from Twitter but you can still catch some funny videos on his Facebook page.
Shortly after I joined Twitter (which I didn't want to join in the beginning but peer pressure - from total strangers I heard on the TV, and read about on the internet - made me do it anyway), I decided it might be fun to "follow" some celebrities. I started with Aston Kutcher, shortly followed by Demi "wifey" Moore, but soon found out that there were way more imposters on Twitter than real celebs. I am still floowing a few ones: I think that the profiles of Kevin Spacey and Hugh "yummy" Jackmann are genuine ones, but for the rest I am still very confused.
After watching Alan Carr' "Chattyman" show on TV last night (a very pale imitation of The Graham Norton Show, but if you like to watch grown-up gay comedians acting like little girls, that might be your thing. Graham, come back, I miss you!) I decided to follow him; you never know, he might get up to something funny sometime in the next 5 years!). So I added him and since I was feeling like a trader, I did a search for Graham Norton too and thought I got the right profile when I got the following message from Twitter: "Sorry, the account you were headed to has been suspended due to strange activity. Mosey along now, nothing to see here."
It's the Strange Activity that really made me think that this was indeed the right profile; imagine a little overexcited (but oh, so very funny - I just wish Alan Carr didn't try to copy him, he just doesn't come close) Irish gay man virtually jumping up and down all over Twitter doing the weirdest searches so he can bitch about them in his show: yep, that would be him all right!
Well, since I can't get him on Twitter, I'll head up to Facebook and see if there are any groups related to him; makes me think I really need to get a hobby!
Update: Graham Norton's profile (the comedian) has since been removed from Twitter but you can still catch some funny videos on his Facebook page.
Friday, June 5, 2009
My Bright New Ideas (for the Irish Victims of Abuse in Clerical Institutions)
A few weeks ago, the Ryan Report describing how some children being placed (sometimes against the will of their families) in Irish clerical institutions and schools suffered physical, sexual and emotional abuse shocked a lot of people worldwide.
A compensation deal was agreed in 2002 to indemnify the victims who came forward; this deal was supposed to insure that each victim received a handful of euros (in the order of €65,000 per victim, which is a joke when you consider how priests and nuns destroyed the lives of innocent children). According to RTE News, the cost of the Ryan Report (which was 10 years in the making) added to compensating the victims should amount to €1.3 billion; the deal agreed in 2002 between the Government and religious orders was for merely €128, a tenth of what it should be.
Two Irish Super-priests (I couldn't be arsed to call them by their real titles, something to do with primates) are due to travel to Rome in order to brief the Pope about this whole dirty business (I assume they will travel first-class and have a limo waiting for them at the airport, why can't they just use email to save money? God knows the victims could do with a few bob!)
Before booking their tickets with Ryan Air, I have a brilliant suggestion for the Pope in order to raise some of the cash needed to compensate the victims because, after all, it is true that the Vatican should be held part-responsible after they helped cover up this scandal in order to protect the reputation of the Catholic Church (what a bad joke!). So here are some of my ideas:
1- The Pope could auction some of his dresses on Ebay: there are people crazy enough to buy records of Daniel O'Donnell, so I guess one could find someone wicked enough to want to pay for something that has been worn by the old guy himself *trying not to gag at the thought*;
2- Raise cash selling Papamobile rides: just like kids would love a ride in the Batmobile, I'm sure a good few old ladies/nuns/gay priests would love a ride in the Papamobile, especially if there was any way they could ride on the Pope's lap; just to be safe, this would have to be for over 18s only: you can never trust a Clergy member alone with a child again after reading that Ryan Report!
3- The Papamobile made me think of yet another great idea: hire some volunteers, preferably priests and nuns, to make a James Bond style movie featuring the Papamobile. I can already imagine Super Pope in his Papamobile giving chase to pedophile priests and sadistic nuns in their Nissan Micras! All profits from the movie to benefit victims of abuse by nuns and priests of course.
If you have any more ideas, please don't hesitate to share in the comments section: the wackier the better!
PS. I wish to offer my sympathy to the victims of clerical abuse and mean no offense to any of them in this post. I also know that not all clergy members are evil (hey, my own Godmother is a nun... What were my parents thinking?) but I really don't care if this post seems blasphemous or has offended any of them; I never cared much for any religion of any kind and now more than ever consider organized religion as some kind of brain-washing mafia thing.
A compensation deal was agreed in 2002 to indemnify the victims who came forward; this deal was supposed to insure that each victim received a handful of euros (in the order of €65,000 per victim, which is a joke when you consider how priests and nuns destroyed the lives of innocent children). According to RTE News, the cost of the Ryan Report (which was 10 years in the making) added to compensating the victims should amount to €1.3 billion; the deal agreed in 2002 between the Government and religious orders was for merely €128, a tenth of what it should be.
Two Irish Super-priests (I couldn't be arsed to call them by their real titles, something to do with primates) are due to travel to Rome in order to brief the Pope about this whole dirty business (I assume they will travel first-class and have a limo waiting for them at the airport, why can't they just use email to save money? God knows the victims could do with a few bob!)
Before booking their tickets with Ryan Air, I have a brilliant suggestion for the Pope in order to raise some of the cash needed to compensate the victims because, after all, it is true that the Vatican should be held part-responsible after they helped cover up this scandal in order to protect the reputation of the Catholic Church (what a bad joke!). So here are some of my ideas:
1- The Pope could auction some of his dresses on Ebay: there are people crazy enough to buy records of Daniel O'Donnell, so I guess one could find someone wicked enough to want to pay for something that has been worn by the old guy himself *trying not to gag at the thought*;
2- Raise cash selling Papamobile rides: just like kids would love a ride in the Batmobile, I'm sure a good few old ladies/nuns/gay priests would love a ride in the Papamobile, especially if there was any way they could ride on the Pope's lap; just to be safe, this would have to be for over 18s only: you can never trust a Clergy member alone with a child again after reading that Ryan Report!
3- The Papamobile made me think of yet another great idea: hire some volunteers, preferably priests and nuns, to make a James Bond style movie featuring the Papamobile. I can already imagine Super Pope in his Papamobile giving chase to pedophile priests and sadistic nuns in their Nissan Micras! All profits from the movie to benefit victims of abuse by nuns and priests of course.
If you have any more ideas, please don't hesitate to share in the comments section: the wackier the better!
PS. I wish to offer my sympathy to the victims of clerical abuse and mean no offense to any of them in this post. I also know that not all clergy members are evil (hey, my own Godmother is a nun... What were my parents thinking?) but I really don't care if this post seems blasphemous or has offended any of them; I never cared much for any religion of any kind and now more than ever consider organized religion as some kind of brain-washing mafia thing.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Design Your Own Hell
Circle I Limbo
Bill Gates
Circle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind
Circle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow
Circle IV Rolling Weights
George Bush
Circle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled
River Styx
Circle VI Buried for Eternity
River Phlegyas
Bernie Madoff
Circle VII Burning Sands
Osama bin Laden
Circle IIX Immersed in Excrement
The Pope
Circle IX Frozen in Ice
Updated on 2nd October 2009:
I'd replace George Bush with a 2 headed monster: Brian Cowen-Lenihan and since The Goths and Scientologists are actually not that bad (compared to the rest), maybe replace one with any of my secondary school maths teacher and the other with my dumbass ex who told my daughter that if she didn't want to do her first communion she would never see him again (blackmailing a seven-year old, what a good catholic he is!)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Secret Swine Flu Vaccine
On the way to the shops today, I felt a bit of paranoia hitting me: when I do a bit of walking on a chilly morning, I sometimes get a bit of the sniffles and this was one of these mornings. I thought, as I was getting a tissue to blow my nose: "Oh no, now everyone's gonna think I've got this Swine Flu thingy!"
As I saw some people looking at me funny (an old lady walking her dog even crossed the street to avoid me), I had one of these wicked thoughts I should really keep to myself (well, except for when I'm blogging): the fact that everyone avoids me might actually save me from getting infected in the event that the swine flu was to spread to Ireland!
Talking about flu vaccines, I saw a sales page yesterday for a Flu Swine kit costing no less than $99; I can't find the link anymore but it doesn't matter because it's just a scam. If you've seen the news lately scientists say that a vaccine for the current swine flu would take 4 to 6 months to be developped. Anything anyone tries to sell you online before that may be a vaccine for the common flu virus, a placebo drug or even something that could be harmful to your health, and won't protect you from the swine flu.
The closest thing to a swine flu vaccine I can think of (by the way, this will also protect you from all contagious diseases that can be spread from human to human) is the following:
1- When you're getting ready to go out somewhere, sprinkle a bit of water on your forehead so that it looks like you're sweating from a fever;
2- Cough and sneeze as much as you can (be careful though, you don't really want to be infecting people whith whatever is it you may be suffering from). Make use of tissues so it will be more hygienical;
3- When you return home, dispose of your used tissues in the bin and act normally (you're not really sick, are you? If you are, keep away from me!)
This will guarantee that people stay the hell away from you, therefore if anyone actually carries the swine flu virus, they won't give it to you and your employer might even give you time off work.
The only flaws in my system are the following:
- If you've got children going to school who get infected you will also probably get the swine flu (unless you hire a nanny and don't kiss of hug your kids, which is not really an option if you are a decent parent);
- The "your employer might give you time off" bit: we are still in a recession and the time off is likely to become permanent, as in redundancy package;
- The "if anyone actually carries the swine flu virus" bit: if they know they have it, it won't matter to them if a sneezer comes near them, they already have it!
So I guess in the end I'm just like the Irish Goverment, putting policies in place and then realizing there's no way they'll work, but damn me if I'll admit I was wrong!
As I saw some people looking at me funny (an old lady walking her dog even crossed the street to avoid me), I had one of these wicked thoughts I should really keep to myself (well, except for when I'm blogging): the fact that everyone avoids me might actually save me from getting infected in the event that the swine flu was to spread to Ireland!
Talking about flu vaccines, I saw a sales page yesterday for a Flu Swine kit costing no less than $99; I can't find the link anymore but it doesn't matter because it's just a scam. If you've seen the news lately scientists say that a vaccine for the current swine flu would take 4 to 6 months to be developped. Anything anyone tries to sell you online before that may be a vaccine for the common flu virus, a placebo drug or even something that could be harmful to your health, and won't protect you from the swine flu.
The closest thing to a swine flu vaccine I can think of (by the way, this will also protect you from all contagious diseases that can be spread from human to human) is the following:
1- When you're getting ready to go out somewhere, sprinkle a bit of water on your forehead so that it looks like you're sweating from a fever;
2- Cough and sneeze as much as you can (be careful though, you don't really want to be infecting people whith whatever is it you may be suffering from). Make use of tissues so it will be more hygienical;
3- When you return home, dispose of your used tissues in the bin and act normally (you're not really sick, are you? If you are, keep away from me!)
This will guarantee that people stay the hell away from you, therefore if anyone actually carries the swine flu virus, they won't give it to you and your employer might even give you time off work.
The only flaws in my system are the following:
- If you've got children going to school who get infected you will also probably get the swine flu (unless you hire a nanny and don't kiss of hug your kids, which is not really an option if you are a decent parent);
- The "your employer might give you time off" bit: we are still in a recession and the time off is likely to become permanent, as in redundancy package;
- The "if anyone actually carries the swine flu virus" bit: if they know they have it, it won't matter to them if a sneezer comes near them, they already have it!
So I guess in the end I'm just like the Irish Goverment, putting policies in place and then realizing there's no way they'll work, but damn me if I'll admit I was wrong!
Monday, April 27, 2009
I'm Giving Away 10 Free Gym Memberships!
Who needs an expensive gym membership when you've got brillo pads?
Yesterday I went to an open day for a local gym and the cheapest price for a single membership was €492 (off-peak hours only). I never intended to join, I just went for the face painting and the free funny-shaped balloons they were giving away to the kids. This morning, as I was scrubbing my bathroom with brillo pads, a thought came to me: this scrubbing not only gives me a free cardio workout, but now I can also feel my arms toned and as a bonus, my bathroom is spotless!
So if anyone's interested, I'm starting a brand new cheap fitness programme in my own home: let's say €5 per hour session or a yearly membership of €200. You do the workout while I'm having a coffee, I supply the brillo pads and gloves. Sorry, no sauna/shower facilities (you don't think I'd let you dirty my bathtub after you cleaned it out, do you?), but at that price you must agree it's a steal compared to other gyms in this country!
I'm also thinking of another fitness programme on how you could use exercise bikes to supply my household's electricity supply but I haven't quite worked that bit out yet; I need to try it on the kids first.
As a special introductory offer, I'm giving away free gym memberships to the first 10 people who join! Just send an email to In the meantime, got to clean my oven, or maybe I should wait for my first customers?
Yesterday I went to an open day for a local gym and the cheapest price for a single membership was €492 (off-peak hours only). I never intended to join, I just went for the face painting and the free funny-shaped balloons they were giving away to the kids. This morning, as I was scrubbing my bathroom with brillo pads, a thought came to me: this scrubbing not only gives me a free cardio workout, but now I can also feel my arms toned and as a bonus, my bathroom is spotless!
So if anyone's interested, I'm starting a brand new cheap fitness programme in my own home: let's say €5 per hour session or a yearly membership of €200. You do the workout while I'm having a coffee, I supply the brillo pads and gloves. Sorry, no sauna/shower facilities (you don't think I'd let you dirty my bathtub after you cleaned it out, do you?), but at that price you must agree it's a steal compared to other gyms in this country!
I'm also thinking of another fitness programme on how you could use exercise bikes to supply my household's electricity supply but I haven't quite worked that bit out yet; I need to try it on the kids first.
As a special introductory offer, I'm giving away free gym memberships to the first 10 people who join! Just send an email to In the meantime, got to clean my oven, or maybe I should wait for my first customers?
Friday, March 27, 2009
I'm Moving House!
Yipee! I got an offer for a brand new house in a housing estate and although I don't have a clue what the house is like on the inside, I have to be ready for a move in about 4 weeks!
This is typically like my life: once again, I am moving along with the flow; I have never really struggled in life (well, there was that part when my ex started to physically abuse me, but I just ditched the loser which I had wanted to leave for a while anyway!); I am being offered an opportunity (a reasonable one that is) and I am taking it, simple as that.
So what's the risk in moving into a house that I have only been able to see from the outside? Who knows? What could be wrong with a brand-new house that I get to furnish myself (with a bit of input from the kids and hopefully not too much pink!) and that I can at last call Home?
I guess I could have the neighbours from hell but I won't know that until after I move in as the estate is empty for now and even if I do get the neighbours from hell, I suppose that could be an inspiration for my next posts!
Anyway, I was just writing to say that I'll be very busy and might not get too much time to post here for a while, especially since I'm also going on holidays for 2 weeks in the middle of this 4-week gap; enough to turn anyone crazy, but hopefully I won't be typing my next post from the looney bin!
This is typically like my life: once again, I am moving along with the flow; I have never really struggled in life (well, there was that part when my ex started to physically abuse me, but I just ditched the loser which I had wanted to leave for a while anyway!); I am being offered an opportunity (a reasonable one that is) and I am taking it, simple as that.
So what's the risk in moving into a house that I have only been able to see from the outside? Who knows? What could be wrong with a brand-new house that I get to furnish myself (with a bit of input from the kids and hopefully not too much pink!) and that I can at last call Home?
I guess I could have the neighbours from hell but I won't know that until after I move in as the estate is empty for now and even if I do get the neighbours from hell, I suppose that could be an inspiration for my next posts!
Anyway, I was just writing to say that I'll be very busy and might not get too much time to post here for a while, especially since I'm also going on holidays for 2 weeks in the middle of this 4-week gap; enough to turn anyone crazy, but hopefully I won't be typing my next post from the looney bin!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Fashion Crimes Regularly Committed in Galway
I just knew I would find a few interesting things at my local St Patrick's parade last week but before I start, let me show you what I found a few weeks ago:
I was once again waiting for the doors of my daughter's school to open when I caught sight of a man's socks (his pants were a tiny bit too short for him too):
These are actually my own daughter's socks and that guy (who looked to be in his forties) was wearing the exact same pair! I guess accidents can happen and maybe he has no clean socks of his own that day; maybe his daughter used up all his socks to make sock puppets of something.
I can excuse a guy who wears his kid's socks (as long as it doesn't happen too often) but I don't think there is any excuse for this:
This is Galway, Ireland, for goodness' sake, not an lapdancing bar featuring teenage girls. If you dress like this in broad daylight around here, you're only gonna get horny old Irish men drooling all over you. To the girl wearing the white pants: Yes, this makes your butt look fat!
This was a more appropriate way to dress on St Patrick's Day:

Notice the Winnie the Poo beach bucket on these 2 pictures; I wonder is this the new "must-have" fashion accessory for Spring 2009?

I was once again waiting for the doors of my daughter's school to open when I caught sight of a man's socks (his pants were a tiny bit too short for him too):

I can excuse a guy who wears his kid's socks (as long as it doesn't happen too often) but I don't think there is any excuse for this:

This was a more appropriate way to dress on St Patrick's Day:

Notice the Winnie the Poo beach bucket on these 2 pictures; I wonder is this the new "must-have" fashion accessory for Spring 2009?

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Dishonest Paying Machine in Hynes' Car-Park
During the week I went into town and parked in a car-park I'll never return to (well, except if they pay me for it of course, that's how shallow I am!).
The first thing that struck me at first upon entering the Hynes car-park in Galway, was that, even though we are in a country where we are supposed to drive on the left (except if you're very drunk, but then you shouldn't be driving; do the Galway taxi-drivers a favour and hire their services instead), as soon as you get into it, you have to drive on the right side!
And if that's not crazy enough, they also have dishonest pay-machines: this is a car park where you get a ticket from a machine so that the gates will let you in and then you have to keep the ticket with you and pay at a vending-machine-lookalike machine. When I put my ticket in there to pay the due fee (a steep €4.40 because my car stayed there between 1 and 2 hours), I was relieved to see that my purse contained the right change; so I put in my 2 €2 coins and 4 10cent coins but then, I noticed that the cheeky machine was asking me for a further €2! I was sure that I put 2 €2 coins in there and I didn't have enough coins anymore to make up the remaining €2 so I pressed the cancel button, half hoping that the machine would give me back my €4.40 but it only gave me €2.40!
I didn't really have time to call for help as I had to get home in time to eat my lunch and pick up the kids from school so, prepared to take my loss, I put in a ten euro note in there, as it was one of those machines that make change (a bit like Obama, ha ha!).
You will never guess what change the machine gave me back: €6.40! Now, if I'm not mistaken, 10 - 4.40 = 5.60 and not 6.60. I counted my change twice as I was very puzzled, then I took my ticket back and ran, thinking there must be something wrong about the way this machine was programmed. Perhaps the person who programmed/installed it was just very drunk (well, this is Ireland after all!), unless it's a secret measure taken by the Irish Government to try and fill the hole in the public finances.
I will probably never know (unless someone in the Hynes public car-park in Galway reads this and decides to sue me for diffamation or something, but that's very unlikely as they are probably just too drunk to read anything, with St Patrick's Day coming up on Tuesday and all!).
Anyway, my loss was now only €1 so I guess I'll just not give any spare change to any of those annoying charities always begging in the streets of Galway (I never do anyway!). Talking about which, some guy giving out Curly Whirlies accosted me in the street to give me a business card about some church and the second time I passed him, he was giving out lollipops (I had sort of expected to get another Curly Whirly instead), so maybe my trip to town only costed me the fare of the car-park after all (plus the stuff I bought, but that's not your business, as I don't have anything weird or funny to write about that: naa-na-na-na-naa!)
I'm too busy (or too lazy) to write more than once a week at the moment so in case I don't see you before Tuesday (which is very likely!), Hpappy Sanit Ptraick's Dya!
PS. Spelling mistakes are voluntary, it's for the Irish Leprechauns who are going to be too drunk to read correctly-spelled words.
The first thing that struck me at first upon entering the Hynes car-park in Galway, was that, even though we are in a country where we are supposed to drive on the left (except if you're very drunk, but then you shouldn't be driving; do the Galway taxi-drivers a favour and hire their services instead), as soon as you get into it, you have to drive on the right side!
And if that's not crazy enough, they also have dishonest pay-machines: this is a car park where you get a ticket from a machine so that the gates will let you in and then you have to keep the ticket with you and pay at a vending-machine-lookalike machine. When I put my ticket in there to pay the due fee (a steep €4.40 because my car stayed there between 1 and 2 hours), I was relieved to see that my purse contained the right change; so I put in my 2 €2 coins and 4 10cent coins but then, I noticed that the cheeky machine was asking me for a further €2! I was sure that I put 2 €2 coins in there and I didn't have enough coins anymore to make up the remaining €2 so I pressed the cancel button, half hoping that the machine would give me back my €4.40 but it only gave me €2.40!
I didn't really have time to call for help as I had to get home in time to eat my lunch and pick up the kids from school so, prepared to take my loss, I put in a ten euro note in there, as it was one of those machines that make change (a bit like Obama, ha ha!).
You will never guess what change the machine gave me back: €6.40! Now, if I'm not mistaken, 10 - 4.40 = 5.60 and not 6.60. I counted my change twice as I was very puzzled, then I took my ticket back and ran, thinking there must be something wrong about the way this machine was programmed. Perhaps the person who programmed/installed it was just very drunk (well, this is Ireland after all!), unless it's a secret measure taken by the Irish Government to try and fill the hole in the public finances.
I will probably never know (unless someone in the Hynes public car-park in Galway reads this and decides to sue me for diffamation or something, but that's very unlikely as they are probably just too drunk to read anything, with St Patrick's Day coming up on Tuesday and all!).
Anyway, my loss was now only €1 so I guess I'll just not give any spare change to any of those annoying charities always begging in the streets of Galway (I never do anyway!). Talking about which, some guy giving out Curly Whirlies accosted me in the street to give me a business card about some church and the second time I passed him, he was giving out lollipops (I had sort of expected to get another Curly Whirly instead), so maybe my trip to town only costed me the fare of the car-park after all (plus the stuff I bought, but that's not your business, as I don't have anything weird or funny to write about that: naa-na-na-na-naa!)
I'm too busy (or too lazy) to write more than once a week at the moment so in case I don't see you before Tuesday (which is very likely!), Hpappy Sanit Ptraick's Dya!
PS. Spelling mistakes are voluntary, it's for the Irish Leprechauns who are going to be too drunk to read correctly-spelled words.
Monday, March 9, 2009
No More Jail Penalty for Non-Payers of Irish TV Licence
A staggering 54 people were jailed last year for not paying fines related to the non payment of their TV licence.
The TV licence in Ireland costs about €160 for one year and when you think of the cost of bringing people to court and jailing them being priced at €90,000 according to the Irish Times, it really does not make any sense for the Irish Government to spend so much money in comparison to the €160 fee, especially given the fact that non-payment of a TV licence is a minor offence, only likely to offend a small number of overpaid TV and Radio presenters. This is why under a new legislation, TV licence offenders will not be brought to jail anymore (Yippee!)
With the new legislation, if you get a fine for not paying your licence to watch rubbish on the telly, I know you're not going to go to jail for not paying the fine, but remember that the Irish Government still needs your fine money just so they can sit around all day talking about how they could raise your taxes. No, seriously, they do!
The TV licence in Ireland costs about €160 for one year and when you think of the cost of bringing people to court and jailing them being priced at €90,000 according to the Irish Times, it really does not make any sense for the Irish Government to spend so much money in comparison to the €160 fee, especially given the fact that non-payment of a TV licence is a minor offence, only likely to offend a small number of overpaid TV and Radio presenters. This is why under a new legislation, TV licence offenders will not be brought to jail anymore (Yippee!)
With the new legislation, if you get a fine for not paying your licence to watch rubbish on the telly, I know you're not going to go to jail for not paying the fine, but remember that the Irish Government still needs your fine money just so they can sit around all day talking about how they could raise your taxes. No, seriously, they do!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rag Week 2010: Who Wants to Sponsor a Galway Student?
According to Galway's local newspapers, once again, rag week has been going too far with heavily intoxicated students roaming the streets of the city and wreaking havoc, some even urinating in public and offending local residents and business owners.
Rag week is a student tradition in Ireland, a week of special events organized by students of Irish colleges and universities in order to raise money for charities but too often coupled by binge drinking and drunken disorder.
Since rag week is always a bit of a dilemma for everyone involved, I scratched my head a little and quickly found a solution for this mayhem: instead of having drunken students parading in their underwear all over the city, why not sponsor a student through an entire week of sobriety?
Since drinking alcohol is so much part of the life of Irish students (and Irish non-students, come to think of it!), a week of sobriety should certainly be a challenge for any student of Ireland. Imagine the huge amount of money raised if every student of Ireland got anything between 10 and 100 local residents and businesses to give them, say, €10 for a whole week spent whithout consuming a single drop of alcohol!
Of course, I am sure that pub and night-club owners wouldn't be too happy about this, but who cares? They can still keep on cashing in on the Nation's No.1 disease (alcoholism) once the week is over; I'm sure there will be an awful lot of thirsty students then.
I am not saying this as a "respectable" tight-assed member of the public; believe me, I know what I'm talking about, after all, I have a third-level education myself, even though I can't remember much of my rag week, which was probably the whole point of it; hey, I was a foreign student and I didn't even know that the purpose of rag week was to raise money for charity!
P.S. Here's a Paypal button; sponsor me if you like, I haven't gotten drunk since my 33th birthday and the next time I get drunk is the day I win the jackpot in the Irish lotto, which means probably never (never say never!?!). My cause is a trip to Disneyland Paris this summer for me and the kids so please give me money and I promise I won't pee on your doorstep, thank you!
Rag week is a student tradition in Ireland, a week of special events organized by students of Irish colleges and universities in order to raise money for charities but too often coupled by binge drinking and drunken disorder.
Since rag week is always a bit of a dilemma for everyone involved, I scratched my head a little and quickly found a solution for this mayhem: instead of having drunken students parading in their underwear all over the city, why not sponsor a student through an entire week of sobriety?
Since drinking alcohol is so much part of the life of Irish students (and Irish non-students, come to think of it!), a week of sobriety should certainly be a challenge for any student of Ireland. Imagine the huge amount of money raised if every student of Ireland got anything between 10 and 100 local residents and businesses to give them, say, €10 for a whole week spent whithout consuming a single drop of alcohol!
Of course, I am sure that pub and night-club owners wouldn't be too happy about this, but who cares? They can still keep on cashing in on the Nation's No.1 disease (alcoholism) once the week is over; I'm sure there will be an awful lot of thirsty students then.
I am not saying this as a "respectable" tight-assed member of the public; believe me, I know what I'm talking about, after all, I have a third-level education myself, even though I can't remember much of my rag week, which was probably the whole point of it; hey, I was a foreign student and I didn't even know that the purpose of rag week was to raise money for charity!
P.S. Here's a Paypal button; sponsor me if you like, I haven't gotten drunk since my 33th birthday and the next time I get drunk is the day I win the jackpot in the Irish lotto, which means probably never (never say never!?!). My cause is a trip to Disneyland Paris this summer for me and the kids so please give me money and I promise I won't pee on your doorstep, thank you!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
It Is PJ Day Again?
The other day when I went to pick up my kid from school at 1.30 pm, I was amazed to see a woman who appeared to be wearing pyjamas.
I know this is Ireland and people are not very fussy of the way they are dressed, even though the standards seem to be improving with all the Eastern Europe immigrants, but, come on, pyjamas in the middle of the day? Ok, maybe this was a lady who worked the night-shift (although I very much doubt it) but even then, couldn't she throw on a tracksuit or something?
It was not even the first instance of pyjama dressing I came accross; a few months back, I saw a different lady wearing pyjama bottoms at the same school; so what, is the school providing overnight accomodation or something? Why do all these people keep coming in their pyjamas?
It's not that it's a problem for me, as long as these pyjama people (who obviously haven't showered, or else they would be wearing real clothes) don't come near me, I don't care, but I was thinking of their kids: aren't they afraid of embarrassing their children in front of their schoolmates? I know that if I came to pick up my 4 year-old daughter from school, I would get a look with rolling eyes and probably also a comment, something like: Mammy! You are still wearing your pyjamas! That's so silly! and I could never ever look anyone in the eyes at that school again.
I know this is Ireland and people are not very fussy of the way they are dressed, even though the standards seem to be improving with all the Eastern Europe immigrants, but, come on, pyjamas in the middle of the day? Ok, maybe this was a lady who worked the night-shift (although I very much doubt it) but even then, couldn't she throw on a tracksuit or something?
It was not even the first instance of pyjama dressing I came accross; a few months back, I saw a different lady wearing pyjama bottoms at the same school; so what, is the school providing overnight accomodation or something? Why do all these people keep coming in their pyjamas?
It's not that it's a problem for me, as long as these pyjama people (who obviously haven't showered, or else they would be wearing real clothes) don't come near me, I don't care, but I was thinking of their kids: aren't they afraid of embarrassing their children in front of their schoolmates? I know that if I came to pick up my 4 year-old daughter from school, I would get a look with rolling eyes and probably also a comment, something like: Mammy! You are still wearing your pyjamas! That's so silly! and I could never ever look anyone in the eyes at that school again.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Yesterday Was Friday 13th; Was It Good For You?
Well, of course, I wish a Happy Valentine to all of those who celebrate it; me, as usual on Valentine's Day, I have no love interest so I don't bother celebrating it. I did get a card from my youngest daughter, however, which she made in school; what amazes me is that during the week, I heard nobody talk about yesterday being Friday 13th!
So what happened? Because people were so busy planning for the biggest BS commercial day, they forgot to wear garlic around their necks or to play the Lotto on the off-chance that Friday 13th would be their lucky day?
Well, I guess the myth is over then: Friday 13th has never and never will be a day when people are more unlucky or lucky as usual. Actually, I take this away: Friday 13th is a lucky day for bookmakers and lottery ticket sellers, as more people tend to gamble and buy tickets, thinking they might get lucky on that particular day. On the other hand, Valentine's day is a lucky day for restaurant owners, jewellers, florists, etc...
For me, every single day of the year is a lucky day, as long as I've got my children with me, we have our health and a roof over our heads (wouldn't hurt to win the lotto, though!).
So what happened? Because people were so busy planning for the biggest BS commercial day, they forgot to wear garlic around their necks or to play the Lotto on the off-chance that Friday 13th would be their lucky day?
Well, I guess the myth is over then: Friday 13th has never and never will be a day when people are more unlucky or lucky as usual. Actually, I take this away: Friday 13th is a lucky day for bookmakers and lottery ticket sellers, as more people tend to gamble and buy tickets, thinking they might get lucky on that particular day. On the other hand, Valentine's day is a lucky day for restaurant owners, jewellers, florists, etc...
For me, every single day of the year is a lucky day, as long as I've got my children with me, we have our health and a roof over our heads (wouldn't hurt to win the lotto, though!).
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I Had No Idea I Was So Rich!
Want to take a test? This one sure puts things in perspective, so take a moment and click here for an assessment of how rich you are (in monetary terms) compared to everyone else:
Surprised? So was I!
Ok, yes, this is a plight to people to make them give money to charities but did you know that there are free ways you can give, using the Internet?
My favourite one is this link where you get quizzed on your vocabulary skills and for each correct answer you give, 10 grains of rice are donated to help end world hunger (I've just donated 2 bowls, or 200 grains of rice!).
It is one of the few websites you can access through this Facebook group (you don't have to join the group, it just makes it easier as all the links are on one page). Make it a daily task, so next time you see a ad on TV for Concern or Trocaire, you don't have to feel bad about not being able to afford giving them tangible money.
I'm the 252,121,740 richest person on earth! Discover how rich you are! >> |
Surprised? So was I!
Ok, yes, this is a plight to people to make them give money to charities but did you know that there are free ways you can give, using the Internet?
My favourite one is this link where you get quizzed on your vocabulary skills and for each correct answer you give, 10 grains of rice are donated to help end world hunger (I've just donated 2 bowls, or 200 grains of rice!).
It is one of the few websites you can access through this Facebook group (you don't have to join the group, it just makes it easier as all the links are on one page). Make it a daily task, so next time you see a ad on TV for Concern or Trocaire, you don't have to feel bad about not being able to afford giving them tangible money.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Michael Jackson Lookalikes Spotted in "Planet of the Apes" Movie!
I'm not a big fan of science-fiction movies but last Saturday night Channel 4 was showing the 2001 remake of "Planet of the Apes" starring Mark Wahlberg, so I thought I'd tune in (how shallow is that?). I guess I could also say that I wanted to brush up on my classics but that's besides the point.
The movie wasn't bad (and Mark Walhberg wasn't looking bad either!) but the reason why I wanted to talk about it here was that I noticed that most of the female apes strangely looked like Michael Jackson! I wonder if this was an accident or was it done on purpose and, most importantly, was it the apes that were modeled on Michael Jackson, or is it Michael Jackson who looks like a female ape?
I wonder if Michael saw the movie and if he did, did he notice the striking resemblance?
Don't worry, Michael, if you need money you can always get in touch with the producers of "Planet of the Apes" and suggest a sequel; the fact that they can save money on their make-up budget if you get a part as a female ape should be a big selling point, especially now that we are in a recession.
And if Mark Walhberg doesn't fancy kissing you in the sequel, he can always tell you to "Beat it"!
The movie wasn't bad (and Mark Walhberg wasn't looking bad either!) but the reason why I wanted to talk about it here was that I noticed that most of the female apes strangely looked like Michael Jackson! I wonder if this was an accident or was it done on purpose and, most importantly, was it the apes that were modeled on Michael Jackson, or is it Michael Jackson who looks like a female ape?
I wonder if Michael saw the movie and if he did, did he notice the striking resemblance?
Don't worry, Michael, if you need money you can always get in touch with the producers of "Planet of the Apes" and suggest a sequel; the fact that they can save money on their make-up budget if you get a part as a female ape should be a big selling point, especially now that we are in a recession.
And if Mark Walhberg doesn't fancy kissing you in the sequel, he can always tell you to "Beat it"!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Stupid TV!
"Why are thin people not fat?": this is the programme I watched last night; I don't know why, because I'm not fat, I guess this is just a programme made for fat people in an attempt to make them feel slightly better about being fat.
In place of a well-documented documentary backed by scientists, I found myself almost gagging with disgust: the programme picked a group of thin people in their twenties who claimed that they could not get fat and fed them an abnormally high amount of calories every day over a period of time. what happened? Well I got kind of bored looking at this rubbish programme so I kind of fell asleep but it looked like the people did put on some weight (which it seems they lost after the end of the experiment). So what's the deal with the title? Maybe the programme should be called "why are people who stupid enough to try dangerous experiments that might ruin their lives?" (I'm thinking, what if one of these people happened to develop an eating disorder after doing this programme?)
First mistake: why did they pick everyone from the same age group? I used to be the same way in my twenties, finding myself too skinny and wanting to add a few curves to my body shape (I looked like a stick, not very attractive for a girl); I later realized that, as I was trying to get pregnant, I did put on a bit of weight, I didn't get fat but I was looking healthier. then, after my second pregnancy, I found myself wanting to lose weight and not being able to shift the pounds that mattered (jelly belly and love handles!). So, skinny people, don't worry if you can't get fat: a time will come, when you get older and your metabolism slows down, when you will put on some weight; so if you're healthy now, stay that way!
I was also horrified to see young children (4 or 5 years old) being used in another "experiment" and being fed fatty and sugary snacks on a full stomach! The children weren't force-fed, they coould choose to eat or not to eat but even if parents gave their authorization, what a way to use children!
I'm now thinking of making my own TV programme called: "Why is bad TV so addictive?"
Tonight, I'm going to bed early and snuggling up in the covers with a good book.
Oops, almost forgot to add a few tips for overweight people who are genuinely interested in losing weight and not looking for excuses to stay fat by watching crappy TV programmes:
- Don't starve yourself, but replace unhealthy foods in your diet by healthy ones (feel like a chocolate bar? eat a fruit instead);
- Drink lots of water: sometimes, thirst manifests itself by a feeling of hunger;
- Walk as much as possible, if there is a sport you enjoy doing, do it and don't get discouraged by setting the bar too high in the beginning. If you live in a town, sell your car and try to walk past a few bus stops everyday.
Or alternatively if you'd like help to get started on a new healthy way of life, try
The Diet solution Programme: it comes with 6 free bonuses including a Diet Solution Recipe e-book, a 4 week work-out plan to become a yummy mummy and more. Go on, you know you want to try it!
In place of a well-documented documentary backed by scientists, I found myself almost gagging with disgust: the programme picked a group of thin people in their twenties who claimed that they could not get fat and fed them an abnormally high amount of calories every day over a period of time. what happened? Well I got kind of bored looking at this rubbish programme so I kind of fell asleep but it looked like the people did put on some weight (which it seems they lost after the end of the experiment). So what's the deal with the title? Maybe the programme should be called "why are people who stupid enough to try dangerous experiments that might ruin their lives?" (I'm thinking, what if one of these people happened to develop an eating disorder after doing this programme?)
First mistake: why did they pick everyone from the same age group? I used to be the same way in my twenties, finding myself too skinny and wanting to add a few curves to my body shape (I looked like a stick, not very attractive for a girl); I later realized that, as I was trying to get pregnant, I did put on a bit of weight, I didn't get fat but I was looking healthier. then, after my second pregnancy, I found myself wanting to lose weight and not being able to shift the pounds that mattered (jelly belly and love handles!). So, skinny people, don't worry if you can't get fat: a time will come, when you get older and your metabolism slows down, when you will put on some weight; so if you're healthy now, stay that way!
I was also horrified to see young children (4 or 5 years old) being used in another "experiment" and being fed fatty and sugary snacks on a full stomach! The children weren't force-fed, they coould choose to eat or not to eat but even if parents gave their authorization, what a way to use children!
I'm now thinking of making my own TV programme called: "Why is bad TV so addictive?"
Tonight, I'm going to bed early and snuggling up in the covers with a good book.
Oops, almost forgot to add a few tips for overweight people who are genuinely interested in losing weight and not looking for excuses to stay fat by watching crappy TV programmes:
- Don't starve yourself, but replace unhealthy foods in your diet by healthy ones (feel like a chocolate bar? eat a fruit instead);
- Drink lots of water: sometimes, thirst manifests itself by a feeling of hunger;
- Walk as much as possible, if there is a sport you enjoy doing, do it and don't get discouraged by setting the bar too high in the beginning. If you live in a town, sell your car and try to walk past a few bus stops everyday.
Or alternatively if you'd like help to get started on a new healthy way of life, try
The Diet solution Programme: it comes with 6 free bonuses including a Diet Solution Recipe e-book, a 4 week work-out plan to become a yummy mummy and more. Go on, you know you want to try it!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
What Makes Me Really Angry
I bet I was not the only person who was shocked at hearing the news this morning of an alcoholic mother of 6 who was due to be judged today for forcing her children live in filth, malnutrition and even sexual abuse.
I can't help wondering why social services didn't take action sooner to remove the children from this monster: apparently this went on between 1998 and 2004; six years is a very long time in the life of a child (the youngest was said to be 6 and the oldest 15 when this started). I have read that the "mother" got financial help from a Catholic right-wing group in order to stop the children from being taken into care in 2000. I would like to know who are these people, I think they should be investigated in order to find out what was their motive for protecting the woman (I suspect the worst but I guess publishing my suspicions would be seen as libel).
The children were school-goers, so what did the school do to help them? As for doctors, I guess the poor kids were not brought to them very often (if ever). What about neighbours? Local people must have known what was going on; did the staff from the pubs the woman frequented just turn a blind eye? I just can't understand!
What angered me even further was that she was given a total of 10 sentences (fair enough) ranging from 18 months to 7 years of prison to run concurrently (not that fair)! Out of disbelief I had to check an online dictionary and yep, it means what it means: concurrently means that she only has to serve the longest prison sentence of the 10, so that "thing" (I can't bring myself to call her a mother or even a woman at this stage) will get off after serving only 7 years of jail? Let me remind you that that she has ruined the lives of 6 innocent children who might or might not recover from being treated horrifically by the person that would be normally protecting them from harm.
I hope the children get bucketfuls of counselling and that they can eventually regain their self-esteem and learn how to live as normal human beings, but if they don't, this leaves the country with a potential extra 6 sex-offenders.
Just as I thought, the depression card was outed at her trial; I am sorry but being depressed should NOT become an excuse for shortening a prison sentence . Genuine depression is a disease for which the persons affected should seek help but suffering from depression doesn't mean that you are allowed to hurt other people. I find that too many people use this disease to get out of their responsibilities: lock that woman up and throw away the key, she deserves a life sentence!
7 years? Come on judge, you can do better than that! Even if that animal gets all the abuse from other women at the prison that she deserves, 7 years of free rehab are far from being enough for destroying the lives of 6 children who lived in fear for over 6 years and will bear the consequences for long years to come.
I can't help wondering why social services didn't take action sooner to remove the children from this monster: apparently this went on between 1998 and 2004; six years is a very long time in the life of a child (the youngest was said to be 6 and the oldest 15 when this started). I have read that the "mother" got financial help from a Catholic right-wing group in order to stop the children from being taken into care in 2000. I would like to know who are these people, I think they should be investigated in order to find out what was their motive for protecting the woman (I suspect the worst but I guess publishing my suspicions would be seen as libel).
The children were school-goers, so what did the school do to help them? As for doctors, I guess the poor kids were not brought to them very often (if ever). What about neighbours? Local people must have known what was going on; did the staff from the pubs the woman frequented just turn a blind eye? I just can't understand!
What angered me even further was that she was given a total of 10 sentences (fair enough) ranging from 18 months to 7 years of prison to run concurrently (not that fair)! Out of disbelief I had to check an online dictionary and yep, it means what it means: concurrently means that she only has to serve the longest prison sentence of the 10, so that "thing" (I can't bring myself to call her a mother or even a woman at this stage) will get off after serving only 7 years of jail? Let me remind you that that she has ruined the lives of 6 innocent children who might or might not recover from being treated horrifically by the person that would be normally protecting them from harm.
I hope the children get bucketfuls of counselling and that they can eventually regain their self-esteem and learn how to live as normal human beings, but if they don't, this leaves the country with a potential extra 6 sex-offenders.
Just as I thought, the depression card was outed at her trial; I am sorry but being depressed should NOT become an excuse for shortening a prison sentence . Genuine depression is a disease for which the persons affected should seek help but suffering from depression doesn't mean that you are allowed to hurt other people. I find that too many people use this disease to get out of their responsibilities: lock that woman up and throw away the key, she deserves a life sentence!
7 years? Come on judge, you can do better than that! Even if that animal gets all the abuse from other women at the prison that she deserves, 7 years of free rehab are far from being enough for destroying the lives of 6 children who lived in fear for over 6 years and will bear the consequences for long years to come.
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